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Basic Overview

To serve a data science model with Foxcross, you must do three things:

  • create a class that inherits from ModelServing
  • define a predict method on the class that returns JSON serializable data
  • supply JSON test data by defining the class attribute test_data_path

directory structure

+-- data.json



from foxcross.serving import ModelServing

class AddOneModel(ModelServing):
    test_data_path = "data.json"

    def predict(self, data):
        return [x + 1 for x in data]

Serving Endpoints

Subclassing ModelServing gives you four endpoints:

  • / (root endpoint)
    • Shows you the different endpoints and HTTP methods for your model
    • Allows you to navigate to those endpoints
  • /predict/
    • Allows users to POST their input data and receive a prediction from your model
  • /predict-test/
    • Uses the test_data_path to read your test data and do a prediction with the test data
    • Allows you and your users to test that your prediction is working as expected through a GET request
  • /input-format/
    • Reads the test_data_path and returns the data through a GET request
    • Allows you and your users to see what the model expects as input for the predict endpoint

Serving Hooks

Hook Overview

Foxcross contains two sets of hooks. One set that happens on serving startup and one set that happens during the models prediction. All subclasses of ModelServing have access to these methods, and all these methods are optional to define.

  • load_model
    • Allows you to load your model on startup and into memory.
  • pre_process_input
    • Allows you to transform your input data prior to a prediction.
  • post_process_results
    • Allows you to transform your prediction results prior to them being returned.

Hook Process

  • On startup: run model serving -> load_model -> model serving started
    • This process happens when you start serving your model
  • On prediction: pre_process_input -> predict -> post_process_results
    • This process happens every time the predict and predict-test endpoints are called


directory structure

+-- data.json
+-- random_forest.pkl

from sklearn.externals import joblib
from foxcross.serving import ModelServing

class RandomForest(ModelServing):
    test_data_path = "data.json"

    def load_model(self):
        self.model = joblib.load("random_forest.pkl")

    def pre_process_input(self, data):
        return self.add_missing_values(data)

    def add_missing_values(self, data):

    def predict(self, data):
        return self.model.predict(data)

    def post_process_results(self, data):
        return self.prep_results(data)

    def prep_results(self, data):

Exception Handling

Foxcross comes with custom exceptions for the various methods on the ModelServing class. When raised, the exception message and the correct HTTP status code are returned to the user.

Custom Exceptions

  • PredictionError
    • Raise inside of the predict method when an issue occurs when performing the prediction
  • PreProcessingError
    • Raise inside the pre_process_input method when an issue with pre processing the input occurs
  • PostProcessingError
    • Raise inside the post_process_results method when an issue with post processing the results occurs


from sklearn.externals import joblib
from foxcross.serving import ModelServing
from foxcross.exceptions import (

class RandomForest(ModelServing):
    test_data_path = "data.json"

    def load_model(self):
        self.model = joblib.load("random_forest.pkl")

    def pre_process_input(self, data):
            return self.add_missing_values(data)
        except ValueError as exc:
            raise PreProcessingError(f"Issue with pre processing the data: {exc}")

    def add_missing_values(self, data):

    def predict(self, data):
            return self.model.predict(data)
        except KeyError as exc:
            raise PredictionError(f"Incorrect data format. Missing key {exc}")

    def post_process_results(self, data):
            return self.prep_results(data)
        except TypeError as exc:
            raise PostProcessingError(f"Wrong type: {exc}")

    def prep_results(self, data):

Serving multiple models

Foxcross enables you to compose and serve multiple models from a single place.


directory structure

+-- data.json



from foxcross.serving import ModelServing, run_model_serving

class AddOneModel(ModelServing):
    test_data_path = "data.json"

    def predict(self, data):
        return [x + 1 for x in data]

class AddTwoModel(ModelServing):
    test_data_path = "data.json"

    def predict(self, data):
        return [y + 2 for y in data] 

if __name__ == "__main__":

Navigate to localhost:8000/ in your web browser. You should see routes to both the AddOneModel and the AddTwoModel. Clicking on one of the model routes show you that both models come with the same set of endpoints and both perform predictions.

How does this work?

Foxcross finds all classes inside your file that subclass ModelServing and combines those into a single model serving. Foxcross uses the name of the class such as AddOneModel and AddTwoModel to define the routes where those models live.


Foxcross comes with no built in authentication, and we recommend running Foxcross models inside a trusted environment. Foxcross serving models are simply Starlette applications, and Starlette comes with an interface to achieve authentication.

Running in Production

Foxcross leverages uvicorn to run model serving.

We recommend using gunicorn to serve models in production. Details about running uvicorn with gunicorn can be found here


directory structure

+-- data.json



from foxcross.serving import ModelServing

class AddOneModel(ModelServing):
    test_data_path = "data.json"

    def predict(self, data):
        return [x + 1 for x in data]

class AddTwoModel(ModelServing):
    test_data_path = "data.json"

    def predict(self, data):
        return [y + 2 for y in data]

from foxcross.serving import compose_models

app = compose_models()

Assuming gunicorn has been installed, run:

gunicorn -k uvicorn.workers.UvicornWorker app:app